Bucktail Medical Center

Board of Director’s Community Update – December 19, 2023

Since the resignation of Administrator Tim Reeves earlier this December, the Bucktail Medical Center Board of Directors has been working with a variety of parties to allow the Bucktail Medical Center to move forward and keep the facility open. Instrumental in the process have been elected officials including, but not limited to, Senator Fetterman, Senator Casey, Congressman Thompson, Senator Dush, Representative Borowicz, and the Clinton County Commissioners. Bucktail Medical Center Interim Administrator Laura Murnyack has been, and will continue to be, provided assistance from the Rural Health Redesign Center (RHRC), a Pennsylvania non-profit organization that gives rural hospitals the knowledge and resources to navigate the difficult and complicated healthcare market.

The Bucktail Medical Center staff have been committed and worked diligently throughout this period of uncertainty. They have been steadfast in their support and are a testament to the mission of the hospital: provide healthcare to the surrounding rural community.

Additionally, in the past few months, the Western Clinton County community has come together and increased their utilization of the services provided by the Bucktail Medical Center. Those services include the community clinic, the emergency department, physical therapy and occupational therapy, the radiology department, ambulance, laboratory services, skilled nursing, and acute care. The Bucktail Medical Center encourages the community to continue to utilize the previously mentioned services and to tell others about the care that they receive from their community-owned hospital. Any route forward requires the community to use the services provided by the Bucktail Medical Center.

The Board of Directors would like to thank everyone for their support. We intend to keep the community apprised of the future of healthcare in Clinton County moving forward.